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Oklahoma State University

Student Conduct Committee


photo of students


Purpose of Conduct Committee

Student Conduct Committee members are responsible for assisting in the overall implementation of procedures to ensure all participants receive the fairness and due process rights granted them. They serve as decision-makers in conduct committee hearings.

Committee Composition

The Student Conduct Committee is comprised of a pool of at least of thirty people: 10 faculty, 10 staff and 10 students. For a hearing, a panel of one faculty member, one staff member, and one student is selected. The faculty member serves as the chair of the panel.

Committee Responsibilities

  • Serving on a committee which hears student conduct cases in which suspension or expulsion from the university for conduct reasons is a possibility. Length of committee hearings themselves will vary and range from 1.5 hours to 5 hours. The panel will deliberate and come to a decision following the hearing.

  • Committee members are expected to attend a variety of training sessions in preparation for service. A general orientation covering the legal and procedural issues regarding student conduct is the first session. Specialized training sessions covering topics such as sexual misconduct, student organizations, alcohol and drugs, and a mock hearing are also provided. Some trainings are offered online.

Committee Expectations

  • Be able to attend and actively participate in training sessions.

  • Maintain confidentiality in regard to ALL information discussed in hearings.

  • Be a clear communicator and open to new ideas and perspectives.

  • Student members must be in good conduct standing with the university.

Committee Terms

Faculty and staff members will serve three-year terms, with one-third of the members being replaced each year. Faculty and staff members are eligible for reappointment, at the discretion of the university president.

Questions or Interest

Student Support and Conduct
328 Student Union

Student Application