Back on TRAC Program: Treatment, Responsibility and Accountability on Campus
The Back on TRAC program is currently being revised. The information below is subject to change.
The Back on TRAC (BOT) program is a collaborative campus approach that uses a community drug court model to address alcohol and drug issues among students. Students who are facing suspension from Oklahoma State University or removal from the residence halls or from fraternity/sorority housing for alcohol and/or drug incidents may be eligible for participation in the program. As a condition for remaining in school or in housing, students must apply, be accepted to, and successfully complete the program, or suspension and/or housing removal will be enacted.
- Aid in student retention through graduation.
- Decrease recidivism in violations of the OSU Student Code of Conduct and state law.
- Improve student academic performance.
- Provide high quality treatment modalities to address substance abuse.
- Provide a collaborative, team-based approach to serving students selected for the program, using current student development theory and research-based treatment modalities.
- Provide training opportunities for graduate students.
- Continuously assess the program and make improvements as needed.
There are three phases in the program. During each phase academic success will be a focus. Additionally, each phase has learning objectives and program requirements to work toward completing the phase. Behavior change must be exhibited to pass to the next phase. Simply completing the program requirements is not sufficient to pass to the next phase. Focusing on the learning outcomes will aid students in smooth process rather than just checking off boxes.
Students are treated as individuals. Everyone in the program will NOT be treated the same. Individuals have different needs and different approaches to meeting their needs. It is important not to compare yourself to other but to focus on your progress.
Phase 1
In Phase 1 the focus will be geared towards the self and immediate recovery from substances. In addition to recovery, there are several learning outcomes that the student will able to achieve:
- Time Management
- Learning about Self
- Decision Making
- Complete Separation from Drug of Choice
Phase 2
Phase 2 will be focused on how participants will interact with the world around them and strategies to succeed. It is the goal of this phase for the student to learn how to continue a substance-free lifestyle and understand the benefit of goals, involvement in the community, and how to utilize friends and family as a support system. The overall goals of this phase include:
- Involvement
- Family/Friend Support System
- Wellness
- Goals
- Stress Management
Phase 3
Phase 3 will switch gears toward long-term recovery and ways they can affect society. It is the hope that this phase will build upon previous phases in order to make the transition to a successful and positive member of society. The goals of this phase include:
- Sustainability
- After-care
- Resume/Career building
- Life Skills
Participants start the program with the most rigor and structure, and the weekly requirements decrease over time as participants progress. Progress in the program is based on At a minimum, when participants begin Back on TRAC, they will be expected to participate in the following:
- Treatment twice per week, which utilizes group stepwork and/or individual counseling.
- AA or NA meetings three times per week.
- Case management meeting once per week.
- Team meetings once per week.
- Random drug testing or breathalyzers.
- Random police home visits.
- Workings and socializing only in a sober environment.
Additional requirements may be implemented as determined by the Staffing Team, which may include the following:
- Proof of class attendance.
- Tutoring or study hours.
- Additional AA/NA meetings.
- Personal counseling.
- Movement to substance-free housing.
Individual requirements may be implemented based on a participant’s individual treatment plan and goals. Again, the requirements steadily decrease over time as participants successfully move through the program.
In addition, participants will be required to get permission before leaving Payne County for any length of time. For extended periods away from Payne County, participants will be expected to sign Break Contracts with program requirements to hold them accountable while they are away.
Performance-based sanctions and incentives will be administered. While it is recognized that participants will need time to change, they will be held accountable for making progress in the program.
Students are expected to remain abstinent while participating in the program. Students may not patronize any establishment where alcoholic beverages are primarily or exclusively sold or used.
The Back on TRAC Staffing Team meets with participating students once a week during Team Meeting proceedings. The staffing team also reviews student cases each week, prior to Team Meeting. The team makes decisions regarding student participants, and determines incentives and sanctions, as appropriate. The staffing team, in addition to the Coordinator, will periodically ask questions during Team Meetings. The various Staffing Team roles are described below.
Coordinator: The Coordinator leads weekly Team Meetings, where participants make a weekly report about their progress in the program, academics and life. The Coordinator provides orientation to the program; performs contract signing with participants; administers incentives and sanctions, as appropriate; and authorizes break contracts. Oftentimes, the team lead also adjudicates and refers students to the Back on TRAC staffing team.
Case Manager: The case manager meets with participants each week and tracks their progress, as well as assisting in drafting break contracts. The case manager updates the Back on TRAC staffing team on students’ progress in the program each week. The case manager also serves as the record keeper for Team Meeting.
Alcohol and Drug Counselor: The alcohol and drug counselor conducts treatment with participants and provides an update on students’ progress in the program to the Back on TRAC staffing team each week.
Police Representative: The police representative performs home visits to check for substances.
Residential Life Representative: The residential life representative communicates with the staffing team about any Residential Life participants and trains Residential Life about the program.